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Flickering Candle

Ginine Emily- "Brother"

Brother is a heartfelt power rock ballad which has undergone an amazing journey of growth and transitions.

The song Brother originated as a simple inspiration of Ginine Emily, Dave Watson, Gary Dade, and her sister Angie Mizerski West.

Daniel Allen Christopherson later joined that team with his amazing guitar and studio production skills.

Brother quickly emerged as a tribute anthem, capturing the emotion and grace that characterizes the brave men and women in uniform who have served or sacrificed their lives every day defending our freedom.

Brother takes it one step further and explores the majestic goodness of God's Grace and reaches out to those who are looking for a higher calling and for hope from above from our Lord Savior, Jesus Christ.

Our desire is that the song Brother will inspire you to continue to remember, support and pray for our troops and law enforcement officers.