Three Strand, comprised of siblings Scott
Williamson, Aimee Joy Weimer, and Kara Tualatai, started singing together
as kids.
Throughout childhood and early adulthood, the trio performed
Contemporary Christian music as "The Williamsons" with their
Mom and Dad.
In 1999, Three Strand was formed and the trio released
their first and only full-length project on 40 Records, an arm of Gotee
Records in Nashville, TN.
After touring that project for about a year, the siblings
decided to pursue their families and their own careers.
Scott continued his work as a recording drummer and
Contemporary Christian record producer, Aimee Joy continued as a sought-after
recording singer (doing numerous national and international radio I.D.
jingles), and Kara recorded two acclaimed solo projects.
For Memorial Day in 2011, the trio reunited to record
Row Upon Row - a powerful song written by Kara and the trio's mom,
Jan Williamson, honoring the men and women of the U.S. armed forces.
A video for the song was posted on YouTube and garnered
18,000+ views in just a few short days. (