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Never Forgotten, Vol. 1. - Various Artists Never Forgotten, Vol. 2. - Various Artists
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Flickering Candle

About Stan Farlow

Stan Farlow has played music 55 years and he's still going strong. These days, he plays mostly older songs and bluegrass and gospel.

“I've wanted to play music since I was a kid,” he said. “I've played guitar since I was seven.”

In 1960, when he was around 18 years old, he moved himself to Bakersfield, California. But he couldn't even get into the bars to play, so he got himself a fake ID, and then he played for a long time.

Stan met Merle Haggard around this time and when Merle stopped playing gigs at Tex' Barrel House, some time in 1969, Stan stepped right in and worked his own gigs in Merle's place.

During this period of time, Stan maintained a working relationship with Merle and often sang bass harmony on songs with the singer, including for “Okie from Muskogee.”

In the late 1950s and early 1960s, he saw Johnny Cash perform at Pismo Beach, along with Luther Perkins and Marshall Grant.

“I liked the stories he told. He had a different voice,” Stan said. “Johnny Cash was a big influence in my life as a result.”

Stan's voice has been compared to Johnny Cash's, however, Stan enjoys having his own sound too.

In 1970, Stan recorded “Hotwheels” at GRT Records, which enjoyed success.

“It did real good; a truck drivin' song,” he said.

In the mid-1970s, Stan left the bar scene and began attending church.

“I didn't want to be around drunk and drugged people,” he said. “And you can't sing about church at a bar.”